We’ve had an exciting few weeks here at Sheinman HQ!
First, NTFC Chairman Kelvin Thomas came to the practice to sign our major new partnership with the club, after which we saw the North Stand at Sixfields transform into the Sheinman Opticians Stand with the help of T3 Signs!
Then, on Thursday and Friday of last week, we welcomed Captain Marc Richards and his team mates David Cornell, Leon Bartlett, Aaron Phillips, David Powell, Shaun McWilliams and George Smith to the practice for their sight test and eye health checks. Like many people, Marc was unsure at first:
“I can’t remember the last time I had my eyes tested it was that long ago. I was a little apprehensive about having the tests because I always thought my eyesight was pretty good and didn’t want to come away from having them tested being told I had a problem. From start to finish the team made me feel welcome and at ease. The tests were quick and pain free and when I asked any questions, the answers given to me were detailed”.
A sight test is not only about the level of someone’s vision – although this is obviously a very important part of the test! We also check the health of the eyes using the state of the art machinery we have in the practice. NTFC goalkeeper David Cornell commented that the eyetest was a lot more detailed than those he’d had in the past and said: “I think it’s good for us as professionals in a contact sport to protect our eyesight as much as possible”.
Two of the tests we offered the players were a retinal scan and intra ocular pressure measurement. The Eyemap is a laser scan of the back of the eye – the retina – which sees a far greater degree of the retina in much better detail than we can see with the naked eye alone, you can find out more about this test here.
Don’t like having the “puff of air” test?! We have a new piece of equipment which can measure the pressure inside your eye with no puffing – in fact, you won’t even realise we’ve taken the readings! It’s called Icare and you can see Shaun McWilliams from NTFC having it done in the pictures.
Look out for members of the Sheinman team at Sixfields in the coming season, starting with the Family Funday on 23rd July where we’ll be challenging you to a game of Foot Pool, and giving away a pair of mens and ladies RayBan sunglasses. We’ll be happy to chat about any aspect of vision and eye health – if you have any questions, feel free to come and ask!
We look forward to working with the team to ensure their eyes are match fit and correcting the vision of those that need it using the very latest contact lens technology.